Building Youth Through Technology Empowerment Project
is a multi-sectoral collaboration that seeks to empower the youth through technology training. The partnership includes government and non-government organizations in Cebu that are at the forefront of technology development and community building. The training center is located at DOST7 Complex, Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City.
Our Objectives
- Establish an ICT training center to develop technology skills primarily for Out-of-School Youth (OSY). The skills that will be developed will initially cover Linux and network administration, security, and cloud services setup and configuration.
- Build a common service facility that will allow OSY trainees to practice and hone their technology skills and work virtually.
- Build an incubation center for ICT skills and competencies tailored for specific needs of private institutions and government organizations.
- Build an innovation and R&D development center.
Brand Identity
Linux skills are very important and highly in demand today because this operating system runs the web and powers most smartphones and digital devices
Web Development
While OSY are the primary target beneficiaries, the members see potential in expanding the program to accommodate other trainees. The training will be a combination of classroom lectures and laboratory and hands-on sessions
• Training center and facility provided by DOST 7
• Computer servers and peripherals donated by Lawrence Hughes
• Linux Course Curriculum
• Technology competence and experience by CVISNET
• Leadership and character formation training by RAFI and Cebu Caritas
• Parish network and support by Cebu Caritas
• Computers, laptops, and peripherals
• Funding for internet connectivity for the center and for the trainees.
• Funding for utilities for the training center.
• Funding support for allowance of each OSY scholar including food, fare, uniforms, and training supplies.
• Funding support for the operation of the center including the personnel and trainers.
• More partners and stakeholders.